Monday, February 27, 2006

Ironing (cont.)

Sunday: In between "Time Team" and "24"...

I ironed twelve (that's one dozen) work shirts*.


After a further two-and-a-half hours of ironing... God I was bored.

*There were other things too, t-shirts and trews etc.

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Hands like a washer-woman

They say a man's work is never done or somesuch and today has been all about that!

Having felt a bit like The Shat on a Hot Tin Roof (a pun/play on words which doesn't truly work as I am trying to convey a sense of illness) over the last few days I figured my best bet this weekend was to do nothing. Take it easy, lay in, kick back.

The day started well. I slept, which is a novelty when compared with the rest of the week. And I guess I managed to get out of bed at about 10:30, so a fairly decent lie-in. Followed that up swiftly with some coffee and an apple and a sit down in front of the zombie-box for a watch of Tony Scott's film "Domino", which I thought was going to be just-slightly-less-than-a-bunch-of-shite. And to be honest it's not a great film, but it is a good film. Some really great turns by the majority of the lead actors. Mickey Rourke proving he's excellent at playing the same character over and over again. He's an uglier version of Bruce Willis really. Always in a dirty vest, covered in blood shooting at people, but he's just not as pretty as Brucie. Of course, the only thing that was asked of Keira Knightly was to look like a stroppy madam who's bored of everything. May as well play to your strengths then love. I guess I recommend it as simple entertainment. And that leads me to suspect I'm getting soft in my old age.

Whilst the film was on, washing load one was in the machine. Film over: empty washing machine and shove another load in.

Meantime, tidy my bedroom and hoover up. Ah, my hoover. I think they only ever made one of these things. It's bright green and most of the time tends to suck like an asthmatic in a vacuum. However there was this itch at the back of my brain and it eventually formed itself in to some words. And these words were a question. And this question was a jolly good one, as I couldn't remember the last time I had.

Ten minutes later, having removed the hoover-bag and emptied out the rest of the machine which was clogged up with historical finds that the Time Team would like to have got their muddy mits upon, I suddenly found that my hoover could clean. Yes. My carpets can now be admired (so long as you don't look too carefully) as being clean and fresh.

So, second load of washing finished, the third lot gets thrust into the machine and set off. This is when I go looking for my ironing board. Passing Indiana Jones on my way, I discover the ancient instrument of torture leaning up against the
Ark of the Covenant. That is when the Ironing Marathon began, as did two-hours of "24". Oh yes. It's still as daft as Uncle Cyril, but worth every real-time minute. Having said that though, I have noticed that in this series they do seem to just occasionally piss the whole "real time" thing right out the window and hope we don't notice.

Example: Jack's in a lift. He's on the top floor. He presses the button (lots of times in a very urgent manner as he's a very busy man) and waits for the doors to close. Cut to Chloe who's monitoring the other agents in the area. "Hurry up Jack!" she says. Cut back to Jack, he's already on the second floor and out of the lift. No sign of trauma from the freefall drop he's just experienced; no puddles of sick on the floor. Just grimly determined Jack. Bless him.

And that leads me to now. I've still got loads of ironing to do, but 3 hours' worth is more that enough to cope with in one day. And, unlike all the nice things in life, it'll still be there tomorrow. With today's washing added to it.


Tuesday, February 21, 2006

when boredofjam = boredoflife

The curious thing about being (a) bored and (b) evil and (c) a member of the previously-mentioned site means that this little equation was eventually going to fall out of the twisted calculator that is my mind:

a+b+c = clicking on the "unsuitable" link at the bottom of the pictures of all women I don't find attractive
(where the "unsuitable" link is to be used to report pornography or other inappropriate pictures)

I guess this makes me >= (b)^2

Monday, February 20, 2006

Loud gig...

So loud, in fact, I have no idea who these ladies are*:

[Pic: A man afloat in a sea of loveliness]

*a blatant and obvious lie. See - I do (on occasion) smile.

The Two Happy Fathers

[Pic: Mr and Mr Boredofjam and their recently adopted daughter,
with apologies to Nic for the slight to her husband's mightily manly heterosexuality

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Possibly the best night in the world

Been to the Railway pub for a gig and a few pints.

In many ways tonight has been one of the finest a man could ever desire. So good in fact, I dare not write about it for fear of wetting myself.

Dear reader - that is all.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Hmm, a wise guy, huh?

Is it me or do orange Smarties not taste of orange any more?

The only reason I ask is that I'm shovelling a large bag of the damned things down my throat at the moment and I'm not discerning any real taste difference between a
green one, or a red one, or the once-legendary orange ones.

ooh.. but wait... maybe... just the teeniest little hint of something there... oh, gone. Maybe not then.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

The Life Persuit

New album by twee Scottish popsters Belle and Sebastian.

Buy it.

Is good like eating golden syrup from out of the tin.

But with savage lyrics.

They're beauties oh yes they are. Mmmmmmm.

Monday, February 13, 2006

24-ling in love again

Ah, Jack Bauer's fifth bad day already, who'd have thought it?

I enjoyed the double-bill on Sky One last night so much that I was unable to sleep! It's true!
I need to get out more! It's true!

Tuesday, February 07, 2006


Damned early church... couldn't leave well enough alone...

hot cross link

My thanks to unc for his immense knowledge of such things (which I then belittled through use of "naughty words").

Monday, February 06, 2006

Things to get angry by

Mental headteacher bans Hot Cross Buns

(Courtesy the Evening Star (a local paper for local people))

Report includes:
* Politically Correct bullshit
* Really Helpful Input(tm) from a Jehova's Witness who appears to believe that Christ's execution cross is a pagan phallic symbol
* Local council denies any involvement

The world appears to have all gone to hell.
And with that cheery message, I'm off out for some tea.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

A list

Here is a list of things, inspired by a Collective email thread this week:

Mini Eggs, for they are evil and deserve to be eaten
Excellent meal out with catm, thankyouverymutsch
The Waifs
Battlestar Galactica season two, part two. Seriously superb sci-fi (shite, that's me exposed as a cult-tv fan)
People who are impressed by my retro computer collection (oh yes, they exist!)

Getting up ridiculously early to cook breakfast for the men's group (but it was a good 'un)
My landlord
Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness (it's rubbish!!)
My Linux box (going to have a look at "Vista" and then shove "Fedora Core 5" on it when that arrives in May).
Lost (bollocks to you. After 24 weeks of watching you have given me NOTHING except for an unhealthy obesssion with Evangeline Lilly).
Grandpa Munster (for he shuffled off today)

Friday, February 03, 2006

You'd have to go a long way

Not only is BT's decision to make Tom Baker the "voice of texts" for three months quite the most best thing ever since, like, ever. It is also a stupid one.

Tom should be the permanent voice of text messages.

There is nothing like getting the voice of the #1 Doctor Who reading out your texts. Indeed, entire new episodes of "Dr Who" can now be written and acted for you down your phone.

Take for example this evening. Bert Jammin and myself are happily placing the Doctor in peril. Back and forth, text by text. And not once have we actually spoken to each other.

It's a new craze! Everyone should be doing it! And then uploading the recorded and spliced calls up to the web in a kind of "podcast" thingy.


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