Wednesday, December 07, 2005

(Sister's birthday) / 2 (b)

So Sunday then. 9:30am. Katie's birthday.

Katie and her mum got up and went to the world's smallest church on the beach in Shoreham. Dad had wandered off with the dog get the paper. [Pic: The dad and the dog].

So the coffee went on and Jamie and I studied the papers once Dad returned with The Times (oh yes, classy our family) and then dinner went on.

And what a spread! Excellent food, wine and company. Jamie and Katie's Granny and Grandpa came too, so I got asked computer questions. Gotta earn my dinner some way.

So to cut a long story short:
Dinner, coffee, cake, wine, presents, insults about music tastes, and then it was 7:30, so I hit the road (and hoped it didn't hit back).

Oh boy were there some real bad drivers out there on Sunday night. But I managed to get home in good time and got to see Shane at the pub for a swift "double" and a discussion about the breakfast Nigel and I cooked the morning before. And then - oh lucky lucky me - Ironing! Hurrah.

Wanted: One ironer. Bad rates paid. Excellence expected. Apply within.

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