Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Space Cadets

Channel 4 have kicked off the ultimate in telly pranks this evening: they're running a reality TV show that is going to try and convince a group of extremely suggestible British folks that they're actually up in space.

Obviously this is most everyone's dream, to go into space. I'd love it. When I was a kid I wanted to be an astronaut. And if not, then I wanted to be John Noakes. Both dreams failed and now I work fixing computers. No space. No Shep. No Blue Peter badge.

Of course, this is all a big hoax. It's brilliant. If they can pull it off it'll be a fabulous technical achievement, but also - and here's the cool bit - the set is just up the road from here at the disused Bentwaters airbase ("somewhere near Ipswich").

Hurrah for Ipswich.

No, but seriously.

Of course it could all go wrong - to pull it off they've got to keep up the pretence they're in Russia/space for a total of three weeks or so.

Add to that the irreverant Johnny Vaughan (who, it would appear, is only ever any good on C4), I hope they've got a winner. And having watched the first show, they've managed to get themselves a bucket load of space monkeys, so there's no hope any of them are going to see through the deceit.

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