Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Be concerned no more

The previous alarmist entry in the boredofjam blog alluded to nothing more than my first attempt at purchasing a house.

It turns out I'm quite good at it (you know, going in with an initial "cheeky" low offer, then tutting and sucking one's teeth as thousands of pounds are added on to that more-than-reasonable price by the damned estate agent).

I guess I caved a bit. It's such a lovely place (I bought it, by the way) that truly, truly I wanted to live in it. Oh yes. And I shall name it "Dunbloggin".

Of course, I won't stop with the blog. Oh no. Now comes the "most stressful time of my life". It is bound to be filled with pleasures and delights beyond all imaginings. And I'll be more than happy to share them with you, all my readers. Both of you.

As Shakespeare once wrote: "Debt, thy name is Nationwide."

PS. Thank you for the emails and texts expressing concern over my alledged 'troublesome-time-of-it'. Now either piss off or lend me a fiver.

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