Sunday, March 19, 2006

Warning: Politics

I cannot believe that the big boys, the top brass, the leaders of the political party that currently has its claws on the nation-state of Britain did not know about £14m quid in loans to the Labour Party.

Somehow, it seems, neither Tony Blair, John Prescott or any of the other chaps who actually run (a) the Labour Party or (b, more scarilly) this country were aware of where all their millions of pounds of funding was coming from.

It's like an exponential increase on Tessa Jowell's unbelievable denial that she had "no idea" about the £600k that all of a sudden appeared in her bank account. If that's a matter-of-course everyday bank credit for a Labour MP, then hell yeah I'm in.

One assumes that at some point this week Smiling Tony will roll out his usual speech for this sort of occasion and delcare that he considers the matter dealt with and will draw a line under it.

However, consider this: What if they're all lying fucks? Did you guys elect them? I know I didn't, so I have a nasty feeling that you're all to blame.

One final question before I go to bed: Would you buy a car from Tony Blair? No? Then why did you let him run the country again? Geez, one day you guys will work it out.

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