Sunday, October 15, 2006

plague pit

the boredofjam household has been poorly this weekend.

It all started yesterday, with me having to cope with a "slight sniffle". Still, ever adventurous in the face of adversity, up I got and trotted off to the vets with Sparecat who was, in turn, given two of his three vaccinations ("come back in three weeks and spend some more money," invited the vet with a glint in her bank account).

This has since made Sparecat feel a little bit under the weather. Lucky for him I made him a "Blue Peter" style cat bed this week out of a cardboard box and some No More Nails (the original one had Duck Tape on it, but the poor cat ended up stuck to it), so comfort is at hand.

So here we both are, me with a rather spectacular custard nose and Sparecat with the severe grumps.

The most marvelous thing has happened, and it is all thanks to the US Sci-fi channel and the wonderment of the internewt: I've been able to catch up with series 3 of Battlestar Galactica. Ho yes. It's quite, quite lovely.

You can't see it cos you have to be SKILL and ACE to do so.

Like me.

I'm SKILL and ACE.
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